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Kids Church Ministry
Sundays 11 am

Christian Education for Children & Youth

We meet in the church hall on Sunday mornings at 11 am, following the COVID-19 operational plan and offer one multi-age group for Kids Church. Using the Simply Loved curriculum, this program is filled with lively music, videos and stories that help kids build a relationship with Jesus. 

Various other events are held throughout the year to help build community with our youth.

Meet Youth Ministry Leaders: Jacob & Kadee

We are so pleased to be entering into a new season of youth ministry at SMSB. As we look towards building and deepening our relationships with one another as we grow in our faith and  community, it is only appropriate that we share a bit about ourselves with you too! We were born and raised in Elgin County and Chatham-Kent - small, rural areas of Southwestern Ontario. We each had the privilege of growing up surrounded by a supportive church community - primarily of Presbyterian and Christian Reformed background. We were married in October of 2019, welcomed our beloved puppy Finnegan into our family in 2020, and relocated to Saint John in December of 2021. Jacob is presently employed at Brenan’s Funeral Home and Kadee is working as an assistant manager at Jean Coutu. We are excited to continue to explore the Maritimes this summer, and for many years to come! Even more so, we look forward to walking alongside the youth in our church and our community in the year ahead. We are excited to learn from you and grow with you as we seek to be a blessing to one another and those around us! 

                                                                     Jacob & Kadee Rowe

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