to St. Mary's & St. Bartholomew's Church
Building Up the Body of Christ.
Reaching Out with the Love of Christ.
Service Schedule
9 am Traditional Service of Holy Communion
11 am Family Friendly Service of Worship
9:30 am Traditional Service of Holy Communion
** Be sure to check our Calendar and ENews
for more services and events. **
Our Services are Live-streamed -
To access our live streamed services,
tap the arrow under the YouTube icon
or at top of this page
or log onto YouTube, search for 'smsb church' (live).

What is New Beginnings?
New Beginnings is a short course that offers not only an overview of the Christian faith but also provides ordinary people with the opportunity to find answers to some of the real questions of life.
Who is New Beginnings For?
For everyone! It’s especially geared to:
Anyone interested in investigating Christianity.
Newcomers to the Church.
New Christians.
People preparing for Baptism, Confirmation or Marriage.
Christians who want to better articulate the faith they have.
This six week course will begin on
Sunday, February 23
7:00-8:30 pm
St. Mary & St. Bartholomew’s Church
646 Westmorland Road, Saint John, NB
Pre-Registration is encouraged
“He loves us beyond comprehension,
and we cannot diminish his love for us.”

Support Our Church
We welcome your support to our ministries. Donations may be made via PayPal (see buttom below),
E-Transfer (smsb.church@bellaliant.com) or
Point of Sale through the church office.
Church Envelopes are also available.
Year-end receipts will be available in early Feb.